Greetings all,
My name is Dutch. I am way up north, near Seattle,
It seems most of you Powderworkers are down under. Of
course, the Oils have global fans, but clearly Australia is their major market.
I am a fairly obsessive fan. I have collected
essentially their entire catalog. Unfortunately, I never saw them live,
in concert.
I too am ambivalent about “Essential Oils,” always looking
for some new Oils’ material. I regret that EO will only be a reissue of
previous songs, but I rejoice that the Oils are still producing albums.
I hope EO is strongly marketed in the US. My country
(right or wrong) has had limited exposure to the Oils, primarily through their
videos on MTV back in the 80’s.
Perhaps EO will spawn a new generation of Oils’ fans in the
States. A renaissance, as it were.