Sorry, not sure if this is available outside the UK. On BBC iPlayer
until 12:39AM Mon, 27 Aug 2012 is a 2008 documentary called
"Wilderness Explored - 2. Australia's Red Heart"
Australia's stark and beautiful red centre is now seen as part of the
country's national identity, with Uluru, or Ayres Rock, a national
symbol. But this vast desert centre was originally seen as a place of
death and silence by the first white explorers. It has taken 200 years
for a new perception to emerge, one that recognises it as a place of
life and creation - the way it has always been seen by the continent's
original inhabitants, the Aborigines.
It includes Sturt, Burke & Wills, Stuart, the books "The Dead Heart"
and "The Red Centre", Todd and the telegraph and aboriginal artists.
No appearances by Midnight Oil, but I'm posting because I thought it
relevant to Midnight Oil songs.