Those are all awesome solos. Again the question that others have noted before..Rotsey's interest in lead playing did seem to diminish. Not that it matters that much to me, they still rocked on ! But, as a guitarist it stands out to me.
Been thinking...when I die, who should I leave all my Oils stuff to? (not that I have alot really)I honestly don't know anyone, that's right ANYONE, who digs them in the way I do. Except for you mob. I might not die for many years yet (I hope) will the powderworkers still be around? Is there younger powderworkers joing the fold? It would be nice to think the Oils can continue to inspire new generations. (Could help that the 80's seemes to have come back in fashion somewhat!)
Live long and prosper,
--- In, "Adrian" <hooperadrianr@...> wrote:
- last 35secs of Blossom & Blood
- outro of Is It Now, in particular the last 17sec fadeout
- Profiteers outro, particularly live
- Koala Sprint
- Best of Both Worlds
- middle solo of Nothing Lost, Nothing Gained (though pretty sure its Mogine)
- Loves on Sale live
Why did Rotsey stop playing like this?
My favourite Oils guitar tone committed to vinyl: Basement Flat 2:12 - 2:17!
--- In, Tom Spencer <tr_espen@> wrote:
The best guitar solo ever. Powderworks? Scream in blue? Eye contact? No time for games? Tone poem? Write about it (200 words):