About a year ago there were some posts about Midnight OIl
but I don't remember this Tshirt being mentioned. I knew I
had it
somewhere, but didn't know where to look. I found it at the back
of a
cupboard today - looking for something else of course!
those who weren't on the list at the time, it was for designed for
members. As there was no paypal etc, to make international
payments, one
person in each area volunteered to collect the money and
then change it
to Aus dollars to reduce the costs of converting from
one currency to
I can't remember how long ago it was - over ten years? The
address is cs.colorado.edu. The names at the bottom right of the
say "Walske Carnahan Marder".
According to the label, the
fabric was made in the US and it was sewn
in Mexico. It was then sent to
Aus and onto the UK, so it's better
travelled than I am.