All four copies of the book have been paid for and shipped.
I received an email from the publisher stating that they would be willing to do another group buy if there is interest in Strict Rules, or any of the Andrew's other two books that they publish. The publisher's page for Strict Rules is here: Info on Andrew's other books is at the bottom of the page.
Last time, 3+ years ago, there was a minimum order of 16 books and they were ~24 USD plus postage and currency exhange fees. Please email me if you are interested, if there is enough interest I'll set something up.
The publisher mentioned that Andrew made the most of his last few months; he was able to put the finishing touches on an anthology of his work that will be published soon, Rob Hirst visited and drummed with Andrew and his band (The Rattling Mudguards), and Andrew and his band was able to record an EP (no mention if Rob is on the recordings.)
Here is a link to a great obituary of Andrew:
--- In, "Brian B" <brian@...> wrote:
I have had inquiries for all 4 copies that I have. However, only 2 of the 4 have paid so far, if you are interested I can add you to my waiting list, there is alreay one person on the waiting list.
--- In, "Brian B" <brian@> wrote:
Nathan - Thank you for sharing the video.
For those in the US interested in a copy of "Strict Rules", about 3 years ago I arranged a group buy with the publisher for a case of the books for the Powdies here in the US. (The book was and is very expensive to buy new here in the US.) I have 3-4 copies left from the group buy, if anyone is interested please let me know, the cost of the book with domestic US shipping is $29.19.
--- In, david earle <canadavros@> wrote:
If any of you get the chance to read Strict rules, give it a go. (I "loaned" my copy to someone sometime last century and haven't see it since).
It contains some great descriptions of the various shenanigans on the tour that still stick in my mind - like the support band Swamp jockeys parachuting in to a gig, and PG and Garry Morris standing toe to toe during a heated argument.
Very sad news - thanks for the video Nathan.
From: Nathan Arrowsmith <nathan@>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, 30 January 2012 2:24 PM
Subject: [powderworks] Writer Andrew McMillan dies
News video featuring PG: