G'day all,
There was a mention in the thread of the absence of any live footage
prior to 1980, which led me to recall a posting from a while back where
someone had dug up such a clip. A quick check of youtube turned it up (see
link below). It's sort of half live really - a show for TV
cameras rather than in front of an audience, so I'm guessing the
performance might not be as dynamic as it would have been in had it
involved the seething masses. Nonetheless, it's worth a look - the
picture quality is way way better than you might expect for something 35
years old, and for novelty value, you can see a bit of peach fuzz (or
in Aussie vernacular, bum fluff) atop PG's head. Getting
permission to use such clips in a commercial environment is probably the
main reason it's taking a bit longer for the Big Release.
Anyway, without further ado...