"That's the band I fell in love with...they did it their own way 1977-1981. They had a little bit of that "indie punk" factor combined with OZ pub Rock which was amazing and unique."
Spot on in that regard Miss Penolope. As for the box set, the Tanelorn news has me more optimistic. The prospect of a doco is also exciting. Bring on Armistice Day.
Speaking of Tanelorn, I can't remember if this has been posted here, but it may whet the appetite. Great song too.
--- In powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, "miss" <miss_penelope_loves_you@...> wrote:
The one thing I have heard is that there isn't any live video from the 70's which is very very disappointing. There should be some type of Documentary and I would love it to include interviews from Andrew James & Peter Gifford. That's the band I fell in love with...they did it their own way 1977-1981. They had a little bit of that "indie punk" factor combined with OZ pub Rock which was amazing and unique.
They can't even get their website up and running (it's been about six months). I personally, am not expecting too much from this boxed set.