-----Original Message-----
From: Chris
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Stephan Jänsch
<stephan.jaensch@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I just got news from The Office that the Box Set likely
won't be out
before October, as they had "a few setbacks". Work will continue in
February, including the new website. Sorry folks but I'm sure it'll
all be worth waiting for!
Would it be weird to wonder just what the heck they're doing?
I mean they've already done the remasters for everything up
to Diesel and Dust, and short of entirely re-recording
Breathe I'm not sure there's much room to improve the rest of
the albums.
One can only assume there must be LOTS of additional content
beyond the albums, then, since this set is going to be a year late!
"A few setbacks" could also mean things like delays in getting permission
from other parties in relation to video footage etc.