Thanks for the reply. yep I guessed that his Strats were standard. I know he uses Vox, so the amplification can have a distinct impact on the kind of cool clear tone. I recently got a AC30VR and I'm thinking of getting a Fender to compliment it!
Don't forget those Gretches he used in later years with the Oils. And around the RW period he was using some Gibsons, so no stranger to humbuckers either. Yep, he is definitely one of those classic Strat feel player, like Mossy!
--- In, "Adrian" <hooperadrianr@...> wrote:
> Hi Jim
> Can't say anything definitively, but I'd guessed his Strat was pretty original, including the pups. I've never meet or spoken with Martin, but I'm guessing from all the guitars he's used live that he's exclusively into single coils. Given that he and Jim also seem to be vintage guys in the main, I can't imagine he would have swapped the pups out in that '62 Strat unless they failed. Amp wise, his predominant choices are classic British - Marshalls in the early days, then Vox AC30s and in the latter years Hiwatts. Some Fenders along the way.
> To my ears, both Species Deceases and Diesel are rife with vintage Strat tones.
> There is a great article on the Jackson's Rare Guitar site that talks about another famous Strat that made its way onto some Oils records.
> Similarly for those guitar nerds on the list, this youtube clip from the ABC's Collectors show has Steve Jackson talking about his first vintage guitar that some will find familiar (1:30).
> Sorry, I know, not really answering your question. Has anyone on the list spoken with Martin about gear?
> Adrian
> --- In, "jsprint74" <jsprint74@> wrote:
> >
> > G'day and happy new year powderworkers :-)
> > I have a question for the other guitar-heads on the list. Can anyone tell me if Martin used custom pickups, or other than standard, in his Stratocaster? Single coil pickups can be noisy and yuck when given too much gain but Martin has played alot of different tones over the years. Could it be more to do with the choice of amplification?
> > Thanks !
> > Jim
> >