1979 Save the whale & Death to Disco shows from 1979 on audio and video , Talelorn festival from 1982 , there would be a heap of others that are mega rare that many oils fans havent seen before...
I have heard that Rob has kept and archived alot of there rare and early stuff ....we need for him to bring it out one day !!
--- In powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, "Adrian" <hooperadrianr@...> wrote:
A NZ TV gig from '79 - that would be fantastic! I didn't even know that existed. Yeah I agree wholeheartedly, any audio or especially video from '77 to '81 would be a box-set worth waiting for. A doc on 10-1 given it's pivotal nature in the band's career would also be great. I too have been waiting and half expecting a classic albums type doc to emerge since hearing that rumour. Just as long as the box-set isn't weighed down with umpteen dubious "remixes" of Beds or BSM follies (king of the mountain any one?) ;)
--- In powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, James Warren <jimcwarren@> wrote:
I want to see a full video of the show from the Montreal Spectrum in 1985.
On Dec 6, 2011, at 4:36 PM, mark wrote:
I sure hope so .....I am hanging out and I am sure many other Oils fans would agree ...love to see more early Oils video and audio from 1977 to 1981 ...like that 1979 TV NZ gig they did .
who agrees ?
--- In powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, "anthonygibbo" <anthonygibbo@> wrote:
Just saw this note from Jim on Reverberama.
"Work continues on Midnight Oil's boxed set which is going to be amazing in its depth and presentation of the band's career, with rare recordings and so far unseen and unheard film and music"
Looking forward to this. Sounds like the long delay could be worth the wait!
Do we have a revised date for this?