I guess this is somewhat related to Oils' politics...
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: A note from Missy about Dinosaur Footprints in the Kimberley
Datum: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:35:07 +1200
Von: Missy Higgins
An: Stephan
Hey everyone,
Apologies that this is non-music related, but this is something I
care very deeply about and in the last few days it has become very
You see, 130 million year-old dinosaur footprints have been
discovered along the Kimberley coastline at James Price Point, right
along an ancient Aboriginal song-line and almost exactly where the
WA government and Woodside want to build the world's largest LNG
hub. Scientists have apparently found at least 14 different types of
dinosaur prints stretched along this section of the coast, which is
extremely rare to find (they rarely find more than 2 or 3 different
kinds in one place) and they range from tiny to 1.7 metres in
diameter! They are blown away by this discovery and say that it
makes Australia's most famous dinosaur print site at Lark Quarry
QLD, pale into insignificance.
These prints are also said to be very culturally significant to the
Kimberley Indigenous people of that area, showing up in their
Dreamtime stories as the footprints of Marrala Man, an ancient emu
spirit. And just another reason for Joseph Roe, senior law boss and
traditional custodian of that country, to be adamantly against the
proposed LNG development.
If this gas hub construction goes ahead, these footprints will be in
serious danger of being destroyed or damaged forever.
In a couple of days Environmental Minister Tony Burke with be
finalising his Heritage List, and because this finding has ONLY JUST
HAPPENED there is a strong chance these dinosaur prints won't be
added to the list at such late notice...
/unless/ we spread the word
There are so many arguments against this LNG hub, environmental,
financial, indigenous rights, and so far none of them seem to be
standing up to the Giant Greasy Arm Of Industry. But getting these
dinosaur prints Heritage Listed could just be the thing that saves
the Kimberley Coast from being desecrated forever. After all, there
are ALTERNATIVES to piping gas onshore at the Kimberley coast, they
can easily pipe it down to the Pilbara where there is already the
infrastructure to receive it with several mining towns, or process
it offshore. We are not anti-industry, just
So please tell your friends about these incredible dinosaur
footprints. If any of you are in media or have a blog, please write
about this straight away, ring up talk-back radio, get the
conversation going, write to Tony Burke! The most important thing is
to get the word out there, and fast!
This could be our last chance to save one of the last remaining
wilderness' on the planet.
Below are some links to more information.
Short Youtube Clip about it:
West Australian Article:
Save Kimberly Article:
And I promise I'll write again soon with happier things!
missy x
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