Andrew is at home however, and not in the hospital. A good thing.
I took the pieces you threw away
And put them togather (sic.) by night and day
Washed by rain, dried by sun,
A million pieces all in one.
Howard Finster
Be nice to the archivist, or she will erase you from history.
From: Jeff and Jane Scott <>
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2011 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: [powderworks] Fwd: Andrew McMillan
I re-read this earlier in the year - it was very interesting
looking at what was happening out there 25 years ago, and seeing how much has
changed - and how much hasn't!
Definitely a recommended read for anyone interested in the
Oils and/or the desert.
The Office earlier today ...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: |
Andrew McMillan |
Date: |
Mon, 1 Aug 2011 11:46:29 +1000 |
This is a shameless plug to any Oils fans who may be interested in
purchasing a copy of Andrew McMillan's book 'Strict Rules' about the band's
tour of the desert pre Diesel & Dust. ��
Andrew has advanced bowel cancer. �He's in fine spirits despite the
gloomy prognosis - Rob visited him in Darwin Hospital last week. �
Buying a copy of his book is a means to give him some income - the best
way to purchase is via his publisher and friend Simon Niblock's website here.
�� � ��
The book is under 'Indigenous Australia'. � RRP $24.95.�
Thanks in advance to anyone who buys a copy!