So here's my explanation:
I thought this is relevant to the Oils because
1-Mr. Garrett was on the board of Greenpeace in the past
2-It's in Australia
3-it's an environmental issue. This is the type of stuff that the Oils songs were about. Could be wrong, but I imagine Jim M. and/or Rob H. could be penning a song about this as we speak.
So do we stray away from this kind of thing because we don't want to make anybody mad, but weren't the Oils songs about confronting certain issues that pop music, for the most part, wouldn't face? I can tolerate people disagreeing with me. It's a fascinating debate to hear the other side of. Where do we draw the line when we try to tailor the natural world to our needs and wants? Within what limits, and what ramifications are possible? Are we supposed to talk about Pete's head wax instead?
That's how I felt, at least. If it isn't acceptable to bring this up, I'd like the moderator to tell me, and I won't bug any of you about it.
--- In, "Bruce Cameron" <brucewcameron@...> wrote:
It's been great reading, and I'm sure you'll enjoy taking this non Oils subject offline for your continued debate directly between each other. All the interested emails are below for easy direct access. Please enjoy.
816 807 1566
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Blackwood <blackwood_michael@...>
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:20:10
To: Oils Powderworks<>
Subject: RE: [powderworks] WHAT??!!!! PG has got to say something about
Hear hear! Why not outlaw all breeds of domestic dogs, as they're technically inbred mutant wolves, the products of millenia of genetic interference by humans. Genetic modification has its risks, and must be carefully studied and regulated like so many other technologies that make the modern world possible, but everything worthwhile involved in building civilizations involves judicious risk-taking.
From: seeker42@...
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2011 15:13:21 +1000
Subject: Re: [powderworks] WHAT??!!!! PG has got to say something about this.......
Greenpeace commit a crime, police seize evidence in investigation.
Whoah, what an injustice!
(anyone who believes GM crops are inherently evil is a moron. Greenpeace fall solidly within that category!)
- Chris
On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Stefan Hurzeler9 <scissormansnip@...> wrote:;_ylt=AjF8qCo4ZpMZKvShJaS_lQUC9nQA;_ylu=X3oDMTQwdWttdnZ0BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDIwMHBvb2xyZXN0BHBrZwMwZWFlYWFhYi0yZDM4LTMyOTQtOWNiOS1jNTEyNDAzM2M4ODIEcG9zAzIEc2VjA25ld3NfZm9yX3lvdQR2ZXIDYjRiZGM1ZjAtYjNhMC0xMWUwLWFiZmYtYWUwNGY4NzgyYmY5;_ylg=X3oDMTJvNjBvcTdxBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDNWViMGQ4YzAtZjYzYS0zNGEzLWI3MzMtOTZjM2IzYTM5ZGJlBHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZARwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2U-;_ylv=3
Somebody goes on a killing rampage in Oslo, John Boehner walks out on the debt talks, and now this- God, what a sucky day.