I'd rather they take their time and make�the box set into�something epic...� Really, the most important thing is that they compile ALL the officially-released non-album tracks.� If they can't do that,�here's how�I think they should�prioritize them:
1st priority:� Non-album Midnight�Oil originals.� This would be the b-sides like Heaven And Earth, You May Not Be Released, etc.
2nd priority:�Alternate versions of Midnight Oil album tracks.� This would�include the shorter "single"�versions of several songs,�the remixes, the live b-sides etc.
3rd priority: Non-album covers of other artists.� There are�a few�of these as b-sides�(live and studio) and on tribute albums.
What do�you other Powdies think?� I know I'd rather have ALL of the first group above than�an incomplete�set from each�category.� I'd�put the Non-album Midnight�Oil originals on one disk, the live b-sides on a�second disk, the single versions (and alternate versions like Cemetery In My Mind <True Believers Blind version>)�plus covers on the third disk, and the Remixes on a�fourth disk.
Of couse, any unreleased songs would be in a new "ultimate priority" group, but I suspect we'd be lucky to get even one of those, so it could go into the compilation of non-album originals.
Anybody want to pass this on to Arlene?� ;-)
rob10@liveonthe.netDate: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 16:37:37 +1000
Subject: [powderworks] Re: Message to the Powderworkers List
On 19/07/2011 1:53 PM, Midnight Oil Office wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I bring bad news I'm afraid... Oils box set release has been
> rescheduled for March.
> I'm very sorry for the disappointment and for putting a big hole in
> some of your Xmas stockings.
> We will do our best to make it worth the wait.
> Arlene