fuck Peter Garrett. Years ago he would never pose for photos like that. He's turned our beach here in carrum into a dumping ground. The only way they got away with that is because we have had such poor weather in melbourne. The summer came and went and no one said a word about the effects of the dredging. Why? because it wasnt hot enough to hit the beach. Skin of your teeth on that one garrett. Ironically Im The Cure just came on my playlist. Still love the Oils but Garret has let the side down majorly. Its all ego driven bullshit. You fucked our beach for a few consessions. What happened to "Malcolm Fraser! Get Fucked!" ? What were you really saying then? "Liberal get Fucked" ? "Give me power!" ?.
We believed you when you invited us to dance to a new tune but you didnt hold it. The lure of the bright lights go ya. I bet deep down Rotsey is disgusted with you. His loyalty alone deserved better. You are a