So, talking to you as the federal Environment Minister, about stuff by for which he's advised by a government department, and accountable to the rest of cabinet, and through them to the whole Australian electorate, is comparable to having a casual chat to a fan of a band that he used to be in?
--- In, phil sartorio <oilsrule77@...> wrote:
Nice one gazzy i wish that pete talked to us before giving the wonthaggi desalination plant that all clear, 200 whales and still counting As late as July 2010, then federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett was insisting that “the assessment (EES) demonstrated
that whales were unlikely to occur in the …vicinity of construction activity, Most of the whales were southern right and humpback whales (listed under the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act). Clearly our coastline is a significant habitat.
The Government's EES said there were virtually No Whales in the area and it was not significant habitat (the EES said only a couple of whales had visited the area over the last five years)Â
Pete is a nice guy ive first meet him in 1994 last had a chat to him in 2009 sound relief gigs just after the sound relief gig was at the MCG he gave a desalination project the all clear ;-(
On Fri, 6/5/11, Gary Badger <garybadger67@...> wrote:
From: Gary Badger <garybadger67@...>
Subject: RE: [powderworks] Meeting PG last night
Received: Friday, 6 May, 2011, 11:50 AM
Nice story Miron, thanks for sharing.
From: [] On Behalf Of Miron Mizrahi
Sent: Friday, 6 May 2011 9:23 AM
To: powderworks
Subject: [powderworks] Meeting PG last night
last night I went to a launch/screening of a movie about a choir teacher. my daughter was in the movie and also performed before the actual screening. the event was attended by the Minister of Education (one of them at least), aka Peter Garrett
he gave a short speech and said that he probably got into music because he started singing in a choir
at the end, all involved came on stage and starting taking picture. Garrett had his picture taken with my daughter's choir, so i jumped on stage and started snapping. i then told her (which he heard since she was standing right next to him) "you see the irony in this? I am the die hard Oils fan and you are the one on stage with Peter Garrett.". she then told him the story of me jumping on stage at the Warfield to snatch a couple of drum sticks. he said "oh, one of those, eh?". anyway ... I had come with a book and asked for his autograph. I
was kinda apologetic because I didn't know how he feels about being dragged back into his previous career but he was very personable. he signed "beds are burning" and was more than happy to have a pic taken too. we chatted about their reunion gigs in 2009 and sound relief. he said that them playing US Forces (for those who remember, he came out with a beer and said "should we play US forces? ok, let's do it") was not rehearsed but that he wasn't totally sure and joked about having to go back and check the set list. I told him that what struck me
was the apparent great fun they were having on stage and he said they were great gigs. while they had not rehearsed everyone was just on. all in all he was very nice to talk to
pics here -
How could people get so unkind?