This is the best news to come out of the Oils HQ since the Sound Relief gigs.
I know when Hunters & Collectors put our their box set they enlisted the help of the fans to see what they actually wanted. They did the same for their b-sides/rarities collection, Mutations and we ended up with an amazing collection that everyone was happy with. It not only looked amazing (Like a toolbox from a workshop
http://www.humanfrailty.com.au/�) but contained just about everything the discerning fan would want.
Arlene, we are here to help.
Don't bother adding the 5 or so remixes of Beds are Burning onto the end of Diesel and Dust only to find out that none of the fans like them.(or maybe they do?).
My personal want list (trying to keep my feet on the ground and be reasonable), on top of all the albums and EP's remastered, would be to have each albums b-sides and out-takes tacked on to the end, plus a second disc of demos and live tracks from that albums era.
That would be 11 double albums, plus single albums for Bird Noises, Species Deceases and the 4 new tracks from the Real Thing.
25 Discs!!! What a box set that would make. All housed in a replica Water Tank just like the one behind Rob's kit.
Limited to 5000 at AU$150 each. There's a cool 3/4 million bucks there!
Maybe I got a little excited, but taking reality out of the equation, I'd add in 1 double disc of live tracks from each albums era. 4 discs for each album. Right, I'll calm down now.
Is it July yet?
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:25 PM, Mathieu BREVIERE
<mathieu.breviere@free.fr> wrote:
If Justin H work on this project, I hope he will give us some news till july�
Come on Justin, don�t be so shy ;-]
Hey All
Just to let you know we have now officially started work on the Oils
box set. Announcement won't be made until July so it would be
appreciated if you could keep that confidential to the list. Release
will be around September/October. Too early to advise what's going to
be on there - but those early remastered albums will finally get a
physical airing.