Sounds like a wake. Try the Break's page for something alive
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On Apr 13, 2011, at 1:15 AM, Miron Mizrahi <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as most of you who use FB will know, FB generates pages based on interest shown
> by its users. well ... it looks like there are still souls out there interested
> in the Oils which resulted in an FB-generated page about our favourite band.
> however, the result was quite dull so the band has reclaimed the page and have
> given it a face lift with more content to follow in the future.
> The band would welcome feedback, suggestions and ways to make it work better for
> everyone. for example one could upload comments, photos, ticket stubs and
> reminisce about gigs etc. It's all very open to input and involvement so if
> anyone has some ideas for themes or improvements feel free to make your
> suggestion known
> Check it out here:
> thank you
> Miron
> How could people get so unkind?
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