Hi there, Powdy
I've attached the set list from the Tuesday 28 Dec gig at the Woodford Folk Festival. Their 6.30pm set didn't start until 6.45-ish, 'cos one tech guy was still running around. 'The drums' - BANG! (tech guy hits drums. 'The keyboard' - SQUELCH! (tech guy hits keyboard). 'Back to the drums' (tech guy jogs back to drums) SMACK! (Oh, for a good Don Martin - Mad Magazine SCHLLUUUNNNNNNNCCCKKKK - PINGOWWWW!!)
The high-wire blokes in the next tent had only just finished up too, which was good 'cos the light was fading - 'Ladies and gentlemen, some applause for the trapeze girl' ... 'Applause for the swinging bar' (and they gave it.)
The set was great. Very danceable. Very tall, lanky fella' at the front (no, not PG) 'nailed it' with the moves. New song 'Rotor' is a slow one. Spanish guitar sounding. Processional.
The more observant will see that the set list refers to 'Amphi Woodford', but the set the next night, at the Amphitheatre, was slightly different (even apart from one slight fumble on the drums) That dual (ing?) guitar thing was good - too much for a musical novice like me to take in. It just sounded great when you danced to it.
I stayed for a bit of 'You am I', but had to dash off after Tim Rogers got so passionate that his hat fell off. Twice.
BTW - with the U.S. - Oz army games 'Talisman Sabre' starting up in June/July up at Shoalwater Bay (near Rockhampton), Rob and the Ghosties might be travelling north:
Apparently the A.U.S. military WON'T be using depleted uranium (yes, the stuff said to be causing birth deformities in Iraq) in Australia this time - MUCHO GRACIAS AMIGOS - but they will still be blowing the crap out of a beautiful bit of the Australian coast, because it is apparently one of the best bombing ranges in the world (my chest puffs with pride at the thought of my country surrendering millions of years of geological curiosities and habitat, for target practice - perhaps the pilots will even take pictures just before the bombs hit, and post them to Facebook).