at the risk of sounding obvious ...
1. Freedom of speech - you do have it. so far no one has banned you or blocked
you from the list. however ... just because you have the right to do something
does not mean you should.
2. "where I live it's hardly offensive to call someone an idiot" - I don't know
where you live so I cannot comment and nor is it relevant, IMO. this list lives
nowhere and more importantly everywhere. where I come from it is not offensive
to describe a good looking woman using the C word. and my family is no longer
offended when I fart loudly. I still don't pick up women in a bar by telling
calling them names and then proceeding to emit loud noises. actually I haven't
picked up women in bars in 20 years but you get my point, right?
no one is trying to curb your speech or prevent you from expressing an opinion.
you are only being asked to do so without causing others to feel disrespected or
offended. and if anyone is offended by my language above, I apologise in advance
How could people get so unkind?
From: Oilyshark <>
To: "Powderworks@yahoo" <>; RM
Cc: Bruce Cameron <>
Sent: Fri, November 5, 2010 5:41:34 PM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] snappy comebacks
Wow....I haven't been in this much trouble since high school. So much for
freedom of speech......and where I live it's hardly offensive to call someone an
idiot. I guess I wasn't being very "politically correct".
----- Original Message -----
From: RM
To: 'Powderworks@yahoo'
Cc: Bruce Cameron
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] snappy comebacks
Bruce et al ...
On 3/11/2010 6:36 AM, Bruce Cameron wrote:
I thought Peter played within the rules… have their political say ONE TIME ONLY,
Calling a powderworker an idiot as a first statement in a debating response is
not in my boundaries of "have their political say", so that's a bit of a straw
It was enough to incline me to look back on his past posts in response to
various pw's to see if it was atypical (none of these are to me) ...
On 6/03/2010 1:14 PM, Oilyshark wrote:
Wow..... Maybe you need to crawl out from under the rock you're under. It's a
big world out there...
On 26/02/2010 10:35 AM, Oilyshark wrote:
Biggest load of crap I've ever read... Well part read....the only negligance is
the useless labour party, both state and federal. What a shambles.
On 10/03/2009 9:37 PM, Oilyshark wrote:
And you call yourself an avid Oils fan?? Do us all a favour and don't bother
turning up...."we don't want you to be disappointed".
On 3/12/2007 4:21 PM, oilyshark wrote:
So you had "fun" at the ANZ protest. Sounds like you really know how to party.
Did you wear a party hat and play pass the parcel?
On 26/11/2007 10:15 PM, oilyshark wrote:
Well just aren't you a hero
That track record was enough to incline me to put forward a polite request for
mature respectful interactions on this list.
As a long-standing member and a moderator of this list I'm not satisfied that
this is a healthy community behaviour, and I want to impress the need for a
deeper level of peer respect.
From: [] On
Behalf Of RM
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:11 AM
To: Oilyshark
Cc: Powderworks@yahoo
Subject: Re: [powderworks] snappy comebacks
On 11/08/2010 9:47 AM, Oilyshark wrote:
You're not the same idiot who posted a couple of months ago that "I can't
understand how anyone who votes liberal could like midnight oil?
No, it wasn't me as a matter of fact. And I don't read my mail often enough
apparently ...
This is a fairly open-minded list and I'm rather fond of the wide range of minds
on it. However I don't want to see anyone subjected to responses that reduce
their sense of welcome here. Let's keep a focus on the fact that the only
certain common interest here is Midnight Oil, the people and their music.
Straying off that should be done in a polite way. Mails responding to other
members' views should be written as if the other person is worthy of public
respect, even when you don't think that's so yourself.
Rob M
On 11/08/2010 9:47 AM, Oilyshark wrote:
You're not the same idiot who posted a couple of months ago that "I can't
understand how anyone who votes liberal could like midnight oil?
Sent from my iPhone
On 10/08/2010, at 10:08 PM, RM <> wrote:
Election on the horizon .... sigh ... anyone else want to prostitute
powderworks to spray about the party you happen to hate?
I'm thinking along the Quakers rule of meetings here (so I'm told, never
been to one) : Once any election is called and until a week after it's
over - Everyone can have their political say ONE TIME ONLY, then SILENCE
and let others speak. The same person nagging on the same basic topic
will be ejected without notice from the forum until after the election,
at which time they can apply to the mods to re-join.
All those in favour or against: vote here:
On 10/08/2010 6:21 PM, oilsrule77 wrote:
I still dont know how a deal was done to build a desalination plant on
top of a wetlands park and reserve its underwater. Pete why did you
give this the all clear its one big stuff up
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