Subject: Re: [powderworks] snappy comebacks |
From: RM |
Date: 3/11/2010, 8:05 am |
To: "'Powderworks@yahoo'" <> |
CC: Bruce Cameron <> |
I thought Peter played within the rules… have their political say ONE TIME ONLY, then SILENCE
Wow..... Maybe you need to crawl out from under the rock you're under. It's a big world out there...
And you call yourself an avid Oils fan?? Do us all a favour and don't bother turning up...."we don't want you to be disappointed".On 3/12/2007 4:21 PM, oilyshark wrote:
On 26/11/2007 10:15 PM, oilyshark wrote:So you had "fun" at the ANZ protest. Sounds like you really know how to party. Did you wear a party hat and play pass the parcel?
Well just aren't you a hero
From: [] On Behalf Of RM
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:11 AM
To: Oilyshark
Cc: Powderworks@yahoo
Subject: Re: [powderworks] snappy comebacks
On 11/08/2010 9:47 AM, Oilyshark wrote:
You're not the same idiot who posted a couple of months ago that "I can't understand how anyone who votes liberal could like midnight oil?
No, it wasn't me as a matter of fact. And I don't read my mail often enough apparently ...
This is a fairly open-minded list and I'm rather fond of the wide range of minds on it. However I don't want to see anyone subjected to responses that reduce their sense of welcome here. Let's keep a focus on the fact that the only certain common interest here is Midnight Oil, the people and their music. Straying off that should be done in a polite way. Mails responding to other members' views should be written as if the other person is worthy of public respect, even when you don't think that's so yourself.
Rob M
On 11/08/2010 9:47 AM, Oilyshark wrote:You're not the same idiot who posted a couple of months ago that "I can't understand how anyone who votes liberal could like midnight oil?
Sent from my iPhone
On 10/08/2010, at 10:08 PM, RM <> wrote:
Election on the horizon .... sigh ... anyone else want to prostitute
powderworks to spray about the party you happen to hate?
I'm thinking along the Quakers rule of meetings here (so I'm told, never
been to one) : Once any election is called and until a week after it's
over - Everyone can have their political say ONE TIME ONLY, then SILENCE
and let others speak. The same person nagging on the same basic topic
will be ejected without notice from the forum until after the election,
at which time they can apply to the mods to re-join.
All those in favour or against: vote here:
On 10/08/2010 6:21 PM, oilsrule77 wrote:
> I still dont know how a deal was done to build a desalination plant on
> top of a wetlands park and reserve its underwater. Pete why did you
> give this the all clear its one big stuff up