I don't know, but it looks to me on the DVD like Powderworks has a chunk taken out of it, basically the "getting in for one free bite" verse. And the Scream in Blue album is also missing that verse, so I am almost certain that Powderworks on Scream in Blue and Powderworks on the Best of Both Worlds DVD are the same performance.
The thing is, when I listed to Scream in Blue Live 18 years ago, I thought that the band just left that verse out for some reason, but now that I watch the DVD, there definitely seems to be an abrupt cut. I bet that they played that verse when they performed it, but somehow it got cut out of the recording. Another reason for this hypothesis is that when you watch the concert on the DVD, Peter's shirt is on and then suddenly he is running around with it off, and the discontinuity of that really makes it seem like a part got cut out. Does anyone who has seen this agree, because I've wondering about this.
I love seeing that one performed live on the DVD. That DVD does not disappoint even for the most die-hard fan with high expectations.
-Jim W.�
On Oct 20, 2010, at 10:25 AM, Michael Blackwood wrote:
Hey, 'Workers!
I've got another Oils minutia question that I'm hoping to have answered...
What exactly are the "Truck Mixes" that are available on the Saturday Night at the Capitol�portion of the Best of Both Worlds DVD?� Were they just un-televised recordings of the live performance at the show, or are they remixed somehow?� For example, the "truck mix" of Run By Night is under 3 minutes long, and omits the second verse of the song when compared to the 1978 album version.� Is that actually how it was played on the night of Nov 27, 1982, or was it edited after the fact?� Does anyone have the bootleg of the full show (not just the broadcast portion) so they can compare?� Likewise, the broadcast version of Powderworks from that gig is significantly shortened from the album version; is that how it was played live that night, or was it edited for TV?� Because I thought the live version of Powderworks found on Scream In Blue came from that gig,�but it's definitely the full-length song.
If anyone can clear up these mysteries, I'd greatly appreciate it!