Hello powderworker's
According to the Department of Sustainability
and Environment and federal Environment
Minister Peter Garrett, Bass Coast is not an
important area for migrating whales.
Try telling that to the whales.
Since locals and visitors began a whale
watch in late April,there have been 133
humpback whales spotted and 18 southern
right whales.
Another 93 whale observations were unable
to be identified On top of that,
Nervous surfers have
spotted a handful of killer whales and a
great white shark, and some 220 dolphins
have been seen in pods up to 50.
A pod of 8-10 southern right whales lazed
about near Waratah Bay for few weeks,
Whalewatch co-ordinator Mark Robertson
said there had been an exceptional response
from the community, with reports of
sightings coming in to the phone hotline.
Some enthusiasts have sent in maps with
sightings detailed by coded data when species
identification was possible.
The whale count shows the temerity of
DSE and its "hired guns" who failed even to
conduct a field study to back up their dubious
Watershed president Stephen Cannon
said the hundreds of sightings showed the
need to reopen the environmental effects
study for the plant.
If you live in Australia come to the
Scrap the Desal Rally on the steps of Parliament
Midday, Wednesday, October 6 Melbourne , Australia
The Brumby Government is under
intense scrutiny over the financing of
the desal fiasco.
This is a crucial time, coming up to
the state election - Parliament is sitting
and politicians are listening.
we will be paying for the next 30 years
to fund a wasteful energy guzzling
project that even Labor insiders are
now questioning.
If you can't come, you could contact
your MP and the Premier john.
brumby@parliament.vic.gov.au or (03)
9651 5000 calling for the Government
to scrap the desal plant and replace it
with sustainable cheaper alternatives
" you stop and say this is my home this is my sea "