The last fan-made compilation I remember being�mentioned on Powderworks was back in 1997, so it obviously never had any of the RW b-sides.� Since then,�Powderworks has adopted�a "no trades of copyrighted material, even if it's�out of print" philosophy, so you'll only see bootlegs of gigs getting traded these days.� That said, perhaps someone will contact you off-list.
This brings up a glaring omission in the Oils catalogue:� Why the hell isn't there a commercially-available b-sides disk?� Even the 8-song promo "Best of the B-sides" from the 20,000 Watt RSL era is 50% live stuff.� Imagine a compilation of all the non-live, non-remix b-sides, with the cream of the live/remix library�filling out the disk (or a second disk, most likely).� I would buy the hell out of that!� The material is already there, recorded and waiting.� There's no�expectation of a�tour or anything.� I can't imagine that it would be a money-losing proposition, even if sales are just to the devoted fans...
Oh, well... I can dream!
smokinashpw@yahoo.comDate: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 14:33:33 +0000
Subject: [powderworks] B-Sides Collection
Hello Everyone,
I'm looking for the B-sides from the "Redneck Wonderland" singles and other CD singles, does anyone know of an or have fan made collection?
Thank you for your time.