This is worth reading - at least it is formed up as a proper research
http://ses.library. au/bitstream/ 2123/1897/ 1/Desalination% 20Plants. pdf
Many sources of further decent reference material are cited in it if
you want to go deeper.
My browse of the conclusions and recommendations infer
- that the brine plume seems less than likely to incur a major
impact on sea life in comparison to the greater natural and unnatural
influences in the ocean at present
- that the full and final scenario had not yet been fully modelled
and tested so the outcome is still reasonably indeterminate at a
scientific level
- that it still needed (in 2007) a comprehensive research/model to
draw more certain conclusions.
About the author:
http://www.aclca. achiever- award
http://au.linkedin. com/pub/rashad- danoun/1b/ b09/43
I've sent the author a note that I've cited their material here, for if
they want to have a look in.
On 2/08/2010 8:50 AM, david earle wrote:
Hi Phil,
More info please - a link to a news article or something.
--- On Sun, 1/8/10, phil sartorio <oilsrule77@yahoo. com>
From: phil sartorio <oilsrule77@yahoo. com>
Subject: [powderworks] Peter Garrett protection of whales Bullshit
To: powderworks@ yahoogroups.
Received: Sunday, 1 August, 2010, 5:01 PM
Its not news the pappers wont , its been like that since
day one trying to stop this thing along this coast , The victorian
government have rolled pete on this and this will come back and bite
him for years to come , this desal plant will be here for 30 years so
look out whales sharks seals sea loins birds and surfers and phillip
island penguins |