I LOVE Underwater ... can't get it out of my head in those rare times that I get to play in the surf with my body board or surfyak.
But E-beat has to be one of my all-time Oily faves. I have an enduring connection with E-Beat and surf and the carnival-ish seaside town that surrounds my favorite break ...
"The devil was a dancing on the old foreshore
Hitting up on bright lights and the liquor stores"
I loved it when the random shuffle function cued it up for me on my i-touch as I was leaving there a couple weeks ago.
As for "Surfs Up Tonight" ... I forgot it was on that album because I never ripped it. I have long maintained that Breathe should have been an EP, but when I put that up for Powderworkers to pick the 4 or 5 cuts, well ... no consensus.
My most powerful associations with the entire album come from great screaming piles of angst - when I finally got back to my lab on 9/11/01, it was the only CD I had with me. A horrified mess, and stressed from keeping everybody else around me calm, I crawled under my desk to listen to it with head phones in fetal ball mode. More recently, cuts I rarely listen to crept into my head when I was down in New Orleans in late January. After touring the still unrepaired devastation in the 8th and 9th wards, it was all I could do to get a gigantic toxic-waste orange alcohol slurpee and put Breathe on repeat while roaming the French Quarter and that Famous Cemetery. In that sense, the album as a whole is serious thumbsucking music. (http://www.flickr. com/photos/ multimodalmama/ sets/72157623301 508792/) BTW, does
anyone know which tracks were laid down in the Big Easy?
Of course, the modern track-by-track way of storing and listening to music tends to redeem this album - keep what you like, ditch what you don't, and organize it in the way you think it should go.
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:55 PM, david earle
<canadavros@yahoo. com.au> wrote:
Glad to hear there's two of us!
Breathe's funny - seems to be the least liked MO album on the Powdies list. I must admit that everytime I hear it I like it more - Sins of omission is great, with that menacing intro. I even like the rolling guitar picking sounds at the intro (and other points) of One too many times.
--- On Thu, 15/7/10, The Oilman <TheOilman@new. rr.com> wrote:
From: The Oilman <TheOilman@new. rr.com> Subject: Re: [powderworks] Hey! I remember that fish ... To: "david earle" <canadavros@yahoo. com.au>
Received: Thursday, 15 July, 2010, 12:12 PM
You're not the only one who likes it, but that
album sure had some clunkers. Surfs Up Tonight and One Too Many Times are my
least favorite Oils songs.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:47
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Hey! I
remember that fish ...
A dark silhouette flashes by in the wet It is glistening flesh in the deep marine...
And from previous posts I realise I'm probably in a minority of one, but I love this song!
On Thu, 15/7/10, Tom <tomspencer@eml. cc>