Dear Miron
Hi. Thanks for the posts, v. informative.
Although, you can understand a Minister endorsing his PM, and later stating a different preference once a leadership spill is formally announced.
Arrogance is unpleasant, but maybe smugness or complacency is just being relaxed and comfortable, as opposed to being angsty; the contrast between 'Capricornia' and 'Red Sails', perhaps?
> --- In, Miron Mizrahi<mironmizrahi@...> wrote:
>> yesterday on Lateline, PG was being interviewed by Tony Jones, one of if not THE most smug TV personalities. PG conducted himself very well and resisted being sucked into making some sensationalist comment. he did however say he supported Rudd (transcript here -
>> today this appeared in The Age:
>> it used to be that "pornography was a question of geography". maybe we should rephrase this to be "politics changes as the time zone ticks"
>> I wish horses behaved like this. I could bet on the winner at the Melbourne Cup
>> Miron
>> How could people get so unkind?