Re: [powderworks] PG backflip

I think you have to give Garrett some concessions for what was said in the interview on Lateline last night.
That interview was pre-recorded; before the leadership spill was announced. Garrett was being asked some pretty curly questions which at the time were based purely on speculation. For the sake of party unity, I am not surprised that, as a minister, he was stating his support for Rudd – even Gillard yesterday was still saying Rudd had her full support; but is she being accused of back-flipping?
just my thoughts
Dr. Stuart Tangye
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
Immunology Program
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
384 Victoria St
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e-mail s.tangye@garvan.org.au
yesterday on Lateline, PG was being interviewed by Tony Jones, one of if not THE most smug TV personalities. PG conducted himself very well and resisted being sucked into making some sensationalist comment. he did however say he supported Rudd (transcript here - http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2010/s2935401.htm).
today this appeared in The Age: http://www.theage.com.au/national/garrett-throws-support-behind-gillard-20100624-yzoi.html
it used to be that "pornography was a question of geography". maybe we should rephrase this to be "politics changes as the time zone ticks"
I wish horses behaved like this. I could bet on the winner at the Melbourne Cup
How could people get so unkind?