Hey there, Powdie.
People might be interested to hear that the Warumpi Band's 'Stand Up and Be Counted' was used to gee people up at a recent refugee rights rally (whew!) in Brisbane, Oz, by local artist Phil Monsour.
Teenagers who had been sitting on the ground stood up on cue (just like the kids in the D+D video), and then marched (with about 100-150 others) to highlight the plight of refugees fleeing wars in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, as part of National Refugee Week.
On a different note, the Avaaz organisation claims over 1,000,000 signatures for its anti-whaling petition to the International Whaling Commission meeting in Morocco this week, which "Australia's environment minister is set to accept ... personally in the midst of the tense talks."
So if you never got the chance to shake his hand personally ...