Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Re: email warnings about technology, crime, viruses etc
From: RM
Date: 10/01/2008, 3:55 pm
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

on 10/01/08 14:54 Chris said the following:
... is not the purpose of science to investigate observations,
formulate theory and then test that theory against further observation?  ...
aghast!  you speak of the _method_ of science.  but what is the _purpose_ of science?
science exists to ...

... Perhaps it's time to relax the notion of this being a
mailing list for Midnight Oil related news and discussion, and have it
become a community for those who were brought together by the Oils. ...
I think that is a fair definition of what PW has been at many times in the past.  There is no need to oblige members to stay locked on MO-only content - it's never been totally rigid on that.  Noting that our only common link is MO interests, there will be every diverse person type in that and it should not be assumed that all MO fans will be typified by other interests or philosophies too.  So at the end of the day MO is the final reason we're here and will remain so.  There are plenty of philosophy lists around and often the best place for a philosophy stouche is where others can meet you with equal fire-power - only cowards go to a playground with a machine gun - if you want an honest fight don't use a weapon that your enemy can't possibly defend against.  Conversely if you are a complete coward take enriched uranium tipped anti tank shells to wage war on a third world country.   For technology stuff, Slashdot is the place to mix it up, and there are others for other interests.

By all means talk it up, though!  Just don't clobber people with too much in-knowledge from your own field of expertise.  It's hard for them to know how to participate.  Gee, look, there's the pot and kettle metaphor at work.
