Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] NMOC What's on your bookshelves?

Bruce Robertson the_oil_fish@yahoo.ca
Fri, 23 May 2003 12:50:55 -0400 (EDT)

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What a great thread!!
Five books that have changed my life:

   1984 (Orwell)
   The Idiot (Dostoyevsky)
   The Hobbit (any Tolkien)
   Surprised By Joy (Lewis)
   John's Gospel, or Solomon's Proverbs

By rights I should mention some of the kids lit. we've read to our young over the years...over and over and over ~ it tends to stick in a strange and wonderful and life enhancing way. I now find myself quoting Dr Seuss, Don Freeman or even the Curious George guy  :)

cheers from true north,

bruce in calgary

bmounier@sympatico.ca wrote:
After seeing the limited response to the release of Willie's I started wondering if perhaps, Workers were not much book people.
Therefore I'd be curious to hear the following:
Name up to 5 books that remain pillars in your literary life.
I'll start, in no particular order (and this is far from exhaustive):

Malevil, Robert Merle
The Lord of the rings (20 years before it became a movie)
Atlas shrugged, Ayn Rand
Jitterbug perfume, Tom Robbins
Anything by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anything by Alexandre Dumas



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<DIV>What a great thread!!</DIV>
<DIV>Five books that have changed my life:</DIV>
<LI>1984 (Orwell)</LI>
<LI>The Idiot (Dostoyevsky)</LI>
<LI>The Hobbit (any Tolkien)</LI>
<LI>Surprised By Joy (Lewis)</LI>
<LI>John's Gospel, or Solomon's Proverbs</LI></OL>
<P>By rights I should mention some of the kids lit. we've read to our young over the years...over and over and over ~ it tends to stick in a strange and wonderful and life&nbsp;enhancing way. I now find myself quoting Dr Seuss, Don Freeman or even the Curious George guy&nbsp; :)</P>
<P>cheers from true north,</P>
<P>bruce in calgary<BR><BR><B><I>bmounier@sympatico.ca</I></B> wrote:</P>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">After seeing the limited response to the release of Willie's I started wondering if perhaps, Workers were not much book people.<BR>Therefore I'd be curious to hear the following:<BR>Name up to 5 books that remain pillars in your literary life.<BR>I'll start, in no particular order (and this is far from exhaustive):<BR><BR>Malevil, Robert Merle<BR>The Lord of the rings (20 years before it became a movie)<BR>Atlas shrugged, Ayn Rand<BR>Jitterbug perfume, Tom Robbins<BR>Anything by Lucy Maud Montgomery<BR>Anything by Alexandre Dumas<BR><BR>Anybody?<BR><BR>Brigitte<BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Powderworks mailing list<BR>Powderworks@cs.colorado.edu<BR>http://www.cs.colorado.edu/mailman/listinfo/powderworks</BLOCKQUOTE><p><br><hr size=1>Post your free ad now! <a href="http://ca.personals.yahoo.com/"><b>Yahoo! Canada Personals</b></a><br>