Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Microworkers/Cadets Respond

Kate Adams kate@dnki.net
Mon, 02 Dec 2002 21:07:03 -0500

Dear All,

I showed my kids the MO website.  This was their response:

Nicky, age 6:  Oh No!  This is terrible!  <reads section about Peter 
leaving out loud to little brother>
Ian, age 4: What is it?
Nicky:  I think it means Midnight Oil is going out of business!
Ian: Oh no.
Nicky: That means no more Midnight Oil music!
Ian: Oh no!
Nicky: What are they going to do now!
<Mom provides an age appropriate explanation of what happened>
Nicky: Well maybe that's not so bad.  Maybe Peter can save the Koalas from 
extincting! (a big concern for Nicky these days ...)
Ian (picking up Fibromoon from my pack): They'll still be Ghostwriters 
songs won't there? <wheels turn> ... Maybe lots more?

Kate Adams
Graduate Student
Department of Work Environment
UMass Lowell
Global Free Trade: All the economic benefits of colonialism, without all
those nasty responsibilities.