Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] ADMINISTRIVIA: New Mailing List Software (Was: Tuckerbox updates)

Tim Hunter tim.hunter@eircom.net
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 18:45:32 +0000

On 21 November 2001 at 22:21, paul woodward wrote:

  #I've got some instructions on joining the list

Hi all, your lazy list administrator here.

The list software changed from Majordomo to Mailman (www.list.org).
Mailman is very cool.  It's like butter.  Ok, not butter, but a very good
piece of software, anyway.  It makes managing the list somewhat easier for
me (no more parsing bounce messages) and provides a lot more options for
you.  While it still has a mail interface, the main interface is via the

Main web page:

    From here you can subscribe to the list.  If you enter your subscribed
    email address, you'll be taken to a page that allows you to change list
    options, unsubscribe, or get a reminder message with your list password
    (assigned by mailman if you didn't have one before).

    The list options are pretty useful: digest, temporarily disable your
    subscription while you're on vacation, MIME or plain text, etc.

List archives:

    (Only from September 2001, but someday maybe I'll bother to get all 10
     years put up.  But would you really want to read 10 years worth?)

Subscription options page (directly):
    http://www.cs.colorado.edu/mailman/options/powderworks/<your address>

    Where <your address> is your email address with "--at--" where @ should
    be.  IE, mine is ...powderworks/tim.hunter--at--eircom.net

You can still use mail -- send mail to powderworks-request@cs.colorado.edu
with one or more of the following commands in the body of the message:

List specific commands (subscribe, who, etc) should be sent to the
*-request address for the particular list, e.g. for the 'mailman'
list, use 'mailman-request@...'.

    subscribe [password] [digest-option] [address=<address>]
        Subscribe to the mailing list.  Your password must be given to
        unsubscribe or change your options.  When you subscribe to the
        list, you'll be reminded of your password periodically.
        'digest-option' may be either: 'nodigest' or 'digest' (no
        quotes!)  If you wish to subscribe an address other than the
        address you send this request from, you may specify
        "address=<email address>" (no brackets around the email
        address, no quotes!)

    unsubscribe <password> [address]
        Unsubscribe from the mailing list.  Your password must match
        the one you gave when you subscribed.  If you are trying to
        unsubscribe from a different address than the one you
        subscribed from, you may specify it in the 'address' field.

	For a full list of the commands available.

Back to lurking.
