Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] More rumours
Date: 3/02/2016, 7:57 pm
To: <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>, Joanne Blackbourn <red_banksia@yahoo.com.au>

I  have sat on this but it's probably well known. At one of Peters book launches last year he was asked the inevitable question. In the queue was a guy getting a poster signed. He had all of the Oils bar Bones. Peter said that Bones would be in the country for three months this year fro around now. Someone then asked the reforming question and Peter said well you never know. I remember thinking that was very interesting timing and interesting that Peter knew with some precision the timing. I could: be over reaching, but the stars seem to be aligning...


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On 3 Feb 2016, at 20:39, Joanne Blackbourn red_banksia@yahoo.com.au [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:


Just heard Jeff Jenkins (Oz music journo) on the radio on 3LO in Melbourne when asked by the host what he is looking forward to this year, replied ' a Midnight Oil reunion'. When asked if he'd heard something, he replied No, but he reckons it will happen. 

Seems like rumours are strong in the industry indeed...

On 01/02/2016, at 14:10, "John McCrory johnmccrory36@hotmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:



Good afternoon all, I was listening to 2UE (Sydney) this morning and it was announced that there is a strong rumour about that the Oil’s are back in the studio recording.....anyone else hear that or perhaps in the know about this....??


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