Midnight Oil

Subject: My Big Blue Island Home
From: jsprint74@yahoo.com.au
Date: 17/11/2015, 6:48 pm

Hi powderworkers :-)

I did enjoy PG's book. As a hardcore Oils fan I definitely would have appreciated more Oils content and history, but PG could probably fill another whole book with that alone. I'm not surprised that he concentrated more on the activism and politics becaue his music career and presence is so well known already. Younger folk today would have little knowledge of just how active he has been with campaigns and causes, and even though I am a child of the 80s I was surprised to read about some of the extent of his involvement. That is the other side of PG, as opposed to the guy onstage. No doubt he wanted to get his perspective across following the howls of media and critics during his time in government too. And yes he does devote only a paragraph to some subjects that could have been expanded alot more.

Serendipitously, the same week I picked up PG's book I also got Tim Winton's memoir "Island Home". Yes a Warumpi reference for sure! I wouldn't be surprised if other powderworkers are Winton fans. The whole spirit of place and connectedness to country is an influence in his writing, and his memoir specificly reflects that. I consider some of his stuff "Australian Gothic" in the same way I perceive painters like Russell Drysdale and Albert Tucker.

Anyhow enough from me just wanted to share some observations that came to mind. Head Injuries on high rotation at the moment.