Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] first song
From: Jorge Posada
Date: 6/10/2009, 1:51 am
To: RM <ribman@gmail.com>, winnie le pinguin <vive_les_ours@hotmail.com>
CC: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

Midnight Oil

I'm another North American who was hooked on Beds are Burning, but odd as it sounds the song that really hooked me was the b-side on that version of the 45, Bullroarer.  
I wouldn't say Bullroarer is my favorite song by any means, and it doesn't compare to the singles from that album, but it was the second punch.  Bullroarer just screamed at me that this band was more than one song or one moment in time with Beds are Burning, which was quite popular on Friday Night Videos and other mainstream outlets that, even then, I tended to ignore.  Had Bullroarer not been so different from Beds (and anything else out there) I would not have been compelled to run out and buy the D&D, Red Sails, and 10-1 cassettes at Wal-Mart (Wal-Mart - for the music lover in you...). 
As I recall Red Sails and 10-1 were pretty cheap at the time.  Going to the music aisle, seeing the very different graphics on the three records, the obvious thematic differences between them, and seeing that these records were recorded by the same band in a relatively short period of time was incredibly intriguing.  I envy those of you who may have been on the journey with the band for a long time prior to D&D, but imagine the mind-blowing experience of getting those three records at once!  The color and stimulation of working through them together.  It was awesome.  The questions they evoked, the raucous passion, the stunning instrumentation.  If there is a better triumvirate of records recorded in succession by one band I don't know what they are (and with the brilliant Species Deceases wedged in - which I only heard later when the catalog came out on CDs in North America).
All these years down the road it seems weird to write, but Bullroarer is what demanded I pay attention.  And here I am in my third decade of obsession with the band and their music.
Can't say it enough - I love Powderworks.  Probably the best part of my morning internet routine is logging on to Yahoo (I only keep this account for Oils and Hunnas groups) and seeing "9 new messages" from the Powdies.
Peace and best wishes from Idaho, USA.

From: RM <ribman@gmail.com>
To: winnie le pinguin <vive_les_ours@hotmail.com>
Cc: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 5:12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] first song

I hooked in for 10 to 1.  ~1982.  US Forces, Short Memory, Only the Strong, Read About It.  But Hercules (Species Deceases) was the one that truly put Oil in my blood.

winnie le pinguin wrote:
hi powdies !
i think that in ausqtralia Midnight Oil was very famous since their first album, so i would like to know what was the first song that made you fond in love wih this band...
unfortunatly in France the Oils were famous with diesel and dust... before that there was the song "pwer and passion" and that's all
paris is so far from australia... :-(

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