Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Peter and bushfires
From: Kate Adams
Date: 16/02/2009, 3:13 am
To: Endurance Dancer , powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

I think you misunderstood - I fled a forest fire at age five in Oregon in 1971, one that burned within a block of where I lived at the time.  That area learned its lesson - firebreaks around communities, regular controlled burns to reduce fuel, etc.

How are you doing though?  This has got to be terrifying for anyone living anywhere near anything that explosive.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Endurance Dancer <quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Oh my God! Which fire did you flee from!
You know that I live about 15 ks from the big one over tonimbuk and Bunyp? We are feeling safe and the CFA held a town meeting telling us to be alert. Some have evacuated last week. Im not that worried anymore.
I was worried about a mare I have at stud in Yea, which is surrounded bty fire, but the property owners said that they are safe and that their town is used as a fire refuge. They told me under no circumstances to come and get my horse! I would be dicing with idiocy!
I totally agree with you that Peter will have answer for this! Yes woman! I actually just came back furiuos wuth him from the Climate Summit in Canberra where i lobbied him to take a harder stance on Climate change, to cut CO2 by 40% instead of a crapy 5%. These fires are now a one in every 5 year occurance if we dont act now to alleviate the effects of Climate Change and Peter garrett is totally ignoring the situation.
Yes, the rest of the bush is bone dry where I live due to the unusual heat wave we just suffered, the wet lush rainforest is now a tinderbox waiting to go. I hate this. i fucking hate it. I hate inactive governments, I hate arsonists and i especially hate people who blame greenies and are now chopping down their magnificent eucalypts on their paddocks because they might burn down one day; I also hate my child hood hero who i now want to punch in the face.
if the Oils reform I will stand out the front and boycott on political grounds.

"We will ride, ride, ride one more mile...Let's Ride!"

--- On Sun, 15/2/09, dnkimom <kate@dnki.net> wrote:

From: dnkimom <kate@dnki.net>
Subject: [powderworks] Re: People's thoughts on the Vic bushfires
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Received: Sunday, 15 February, 2009, 1:55 PM

As someone who is still positively irrationally phobic of wildfires
after fleeing one at the age of 5, I'm totally horrified at what
happened to these people and their homes and families and pets and
lives. I'd like to say that I can't imagine ... but I can still
remember what a burnt out neighborhood smells like.

That said, it will be interesting to see how Pete handles this, or if
he's totally been shut up. This is not just a case of arsonists and
poor communication - this is a major scale catastrophe of
environmental management. Pete's going to have to answer for that,
despite Rudd attempting to portray it as "we did the best we could"
and "force of nature" and "arson terrorists". That forest was a
fucking powderworks! The fire lighters merely tossed in their two sticks.

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